Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mesothelioma Symptoms Stomach

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Stomach or abdominal pain are often symptoms of mesothelioma patients experience with peritoneal dialysis. This type of mesothelioma is a cancer cell peritoneal abdomen. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma are insidious and often tend to be mistaken for more common symptoms, and often more benign, abdominal conditions. Treatment of peritoneal mesothelioma may therefore not diagnosed until it is far advanced and robust.

Togetherabdominal symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. A stomach-knot or swelling may be present. could prevent such a node, or swelling of the intestines, causing constipation. Fluid can collect in the abdominal cavity, resulting in bloating and flatulence. This accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity is called ascites and is also seen in people with liver disease. The liquid is discharged, often to relieve the symptoms of bloating and flatulence, excessivefluid accumulation can interfere with normal breathing. The accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, and an obstacle to the pressure of a cancer that could be the return flow of blood from the legs, which leads to swollen feet. This swelling of the extremities is also seen in kidney disease and pregnancy.

Recent studies have demonstrated a temporary reduction in tumor mass and accumulation of fluid in the discharge of certain substances into the abdominal cavity, but these effects have proven to be a small number of patients and further research.

Abdominal pain in peritoneal mesothelioma tumor growth may be due to the pressure exerted on the organs and a nerve from, stretching from the intestines or infiltration of adjacent tissues and organs from tumor cells. Narcotic pain medications or radiation therapy can be used to relieve severe pain. abdominal symptoms and systemic effects of cancer can lead to severe weight loss in people with causes peritonealMesothelioma>. Fever and fatigue are also common.

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